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Darrell Chiu 一級
註冊時間: 2008-01-29 文章: 8
發表於: 星期三 一月 30, 2008 12:29 am 文章標題: Cannot Delete User |
I can add/modify user, but cannot delete user. No error prompt when deleting user, but the users.cfg file never updated.
The symptom is:-
When removing user from ReidenmailID.exe interface, users.cfg not changed but the inbox of user deleted. When removing user from web:7777, users.cfg and user inbox remains no change.
add/modify user is fine.
please help! |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期三 一月 30, 2008 1:14 pm 文章標題: |
Maybe you are not using TEXT MODE to store userlist.
You are using DATABASE MODE to store them.
Please check your config in [Server settings]-[Preference(1)]-[User List] _________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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Darrell Chiu 一級
註冊時間: 2008-01-29 文章: 8
發表於: 星期四 一月 31, 2008 12:18 pm 文章標題: |
I do use text mode and checked path and file name both correct.
The users.cfg file is updated when add/modify user. But it doesn't change at all when I delete user.
I use text editor to open and check the file. It just remains unchanged when deleting user, the user still there!
This is very strange! |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期四 一月 31, 2008 4:10 pm 文章標題: |
your version is? _________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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Darrell Chiu 一級
註冊時間: 2008-01-29 文章: 8
發表於: 星期四 一月 31, 2008 4:37 pm 文章標題: |
My version is V1.9.14 update 5.
It seems the problem happened quite a long time in previous version but I didn't awared. The user name will be removed from the list in RaidenMail's administration interface when deleting user so I never aware the problem.
Previously I found the inbox directory of old users not removed after delete a user by web admin(7777), I felt it is not a big deal and I can remove those old inbox directories manually.
But recently when I restart the server I found those old username still on the list. Thus I try to test it by add/modify/delete users and found the problem only occurs when delete user.
I don't know why the web admin(7777) never remove inbox directory but the most concern is now I found the old user still there. However when use RaidenMAILD.exe to delete user, the inbox directory will be removed.
Finally if I restart the server, maybe due to the old user still in the list, their inbox will be recreated... |
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Darrell Chiu 一級
註冊時間: 2008-01-29 文章: 8
發表於: 星期三 二月 06, 2008 1:24 am 文章標題: |
I have downloaded full code of eng v1914 fu5 and install to a new PC, and tested the function. It is the same symptom that user cannot be deleted!!!
Please help!!! |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期三 二月 06, 2008 11:22 am 文章標題: |
You are talking about english version.
I already confirmed this bug. It will be fixed in next version. _________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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Darrell Chiu 一級
註冊時間: 2008-01-29 文章: 8
發表於: 星期三 二月 06, 2008 5:01 pm 文章標題: |
Thanks for your confirmation. Also may I suggest to web admin(7777), when deleting user, can it also delete the inbox directory? Currently it just remove the user from the list but left the inbox there. |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期二 二月 12, 2008 11:41 am 文章標題: |
left the inbox directory is for insurance.
Because of delete account remotely, it may be an error action.
and delete mailbox folder is a critical action, therefore, the folder is kept in default.
You also can use "mailboxchecker.exe" to remove those unused folders, maybe check it once for several weeks/months. _________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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